What Causes Dark Circles Under Your Eyes?

dark circles
dark circles

In addition to tiredness or old age, several factors can contribute to dark circles. In most cases, dark circles are nothing to worry about. However, most people are reluctant to have them for cosmetic purposes.

Common Causes of Dark Circles Include:


Lack of sleep often causes your skin to appear dull or pale, exposing dark tissue and blood vessels. Fatigue also often causes the area under the eyes to darken.

Puffy eyelids are also common, and it may form shadows like bags under the eyes.


Aging causes the skin on the face to thin. 1 As you age, the skin loses its elasticity, revealing the dark tissue and blood vessels underneath.


Lack of water in your body can dehydrate your skin. This can make the area under your eyes appear dull, dark or sunken.

The sun is overexposed.

Excessive exposure of the eyes to sunlight can trigger an overproduction of melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. Excessive production of melanin around the eyes can darken the area.


Studies have shown that smokers are more likely to suffer from sleep deprivation due to the stimulant effects of nicotine. 2 Smoking can also cause premature skin aging.

Alcohol consumption

Like smoking, drinking alcohol can cause premature skin aging and dehydration, both factors that can cause the skin under your eyes to look darker than usual.

Anemia (iron deficiency)

Iron is essential for blood circulation and oxygen distribution in the body. 3 Low levels of iron can cause insufficient oxygen supply to the skin under the eyes, resulting in a darker appearance.

Bad eating habits

Lack of proper nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, often results in dull, unhealthy skin. This includes skin discoloration, even around your eyes.

Hormonal changes

During pregnancy or menstruation, women may experience changes in their skin, including dark circles. This may be the result of hormonal changes or lack of sleep.


Rubbing and scratching the eyes can damage or even darken the skin. Also, some food allergies can cause the area under the eyes to darken.


Dark circles can be inherited. In this case, the skin around the eyes will always appear darker than the rest of the body, regardless of other environmental factors.

Eye injury

Eye injuries may result in bruises, cuts, or damage to the surrounding skin. These injuries are often referred to as “dark circles.” Dark circles can also appear after cosmetic surgery or a severe sinus infection.

Liver disease

A rare disease called late-onset cutaneous porphyria (PCT) involves the accumulation of proteins called porphyrins in the liver that cause painful blisters and fragile skin that worsen when exposed to sunlight. 5 It may cause darkening of the skin.

Other symptoms of dark circles

The appearance of dark circles depends on your skin tone. People with fair skin may have blue or purple circles under their eyes. People with darker skin may have brown or dark circles.

In some cases, dark circles may accompany eye puffiness.

6 Ways to Treat Dark Circles

jade roller can help reduce the dark circles
jade roller can help reduce the dark circles

1. Get enough sleep

The average adult needs at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night. Getting enough sleep can reduce fatigue and refresh your body and skin.

Your eye bags will usually go away after a good rest.

2. Cold compress

Cold compresses include using an ice pack or cold towel over your eyes. Cold water or ice packs can reduce swelling by constricting dilated blood vessels. This will reduce puffiness and get rid of dark circles.

Repeat the process if the cloth gets hot or the ice melts.

3. Spread the cucumber

Cucumber slices can soothe tired eyes and reduce puffiness. Cucumbers are high in moisture and vitamin C, both of which hydrate and nourish the skin. Cucumbers also contain silica, a mineral necessary for tissue health.

4. Use tea bags

Cold tea bags can also reduce the appearance of dark circles. Tea contains caffeine and other antioxidants that enhance blood circulation, constrict dilated blood vessels, and prevent fluid build-up.

Steep black or green tea bags in boiling water for 5 minutes. Let them sit in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Then, apply a cold tea bag to your closed eyes for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse eyes with cold water afterwards. This should get rid of the dark circles under your eyes.

5. Hydrate

Drink plenty of water and other fluids throughout the day to stay hydrated. According to the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), the recommended daily water intake is 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) for men and 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) for women.

If you don’t like drinking water, try soda water or flavored water. Of course, appropriate fruits, etc. can also replenish the water in our body.

6. Use facial massage and avoid makeup

Gently massage around the eyes to improve blood circulation and eliminate dark circles.

While not a permanent solution, you can temporarily hide dark circles with an under-eye concealer.

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