jade vs rose quartz roller

Jade VS Rose Quartz Roller

jade vs rose quartz roller

The hype around the facial roller, both rose quartz and jade are real. There’s no doubt that the results-be it physical, meta-physical or spiritual are magical. Whether it’s about relaxing your tense facial muscles or just helping the absorption of serums and lotions, facial rollers are ancient tools that work for all your skincare needs.

Let me get to the differences between the two.

Jade VS Rose Quartz Roller

Jade facial roller Benefits

jade vs rose quartz roller

Jade facial rollers have been around here for centuries. They are known to have various healing properties. The jade stone was considered as a symbol of grace, beauty, and longevity in the Chinese society. It’s also known to balance your inner energy and gives you a sense of peace and harmony.

Jade facial rollers are used to clear fluid congestion and flatten the wrinkles on the face. If you feel sluggish during the early hours, this roller will balance out the qi energy and will work for the revitalization of your skin that helps you stay fresh and awake all day long.

Moreover, the stone is also sought after for its skin cooling and tightening features. Jade facial roller can revs up your skin, improve skin’s elasticity, de-puffs the eye area, and promote the lymphatic drainage.

Additionally, using the jade stone daily will leave your skin feel healthy and firm.

Rose quartz facial roller Benefits

jade vs rose quartz roller

Rose quartz is a rosy pink variety of the quartz stone.

It’s known as the love stone and is also considered best for the vibrations of love, joy, healing, self-care and inflammatory properties. This beautiful stone comes with both the heart chakra and the area related to the compassion. Along with this, it’s also believed to raise self-esteem, balance emotions, lower stress, and restore self-confidence.

Did you know that rose quartz roller can also help you find true love if paired with Ammolite?

It is also known that the Goddess Isis used Rose Quartz stones as facial massage stones beside the Nile River to prevent the wrinkles and keep her skin crystal clear.

Egyptians believed that the rose quartz stone comes with miraculous anti-ageing properties. Packed with minerals like iron, sodium, silicium, magnesium, sodium, and oxygen, the Rose Quartz facial roller heals the skin, rejuvenates it, and also has the ability to reduce inflammation.

Silica holds your skin your skin together and gives it exceptional flexibility; Magnesium slows down the aging process; Iron regulates the blood circulation, and Sodium fights up the free radicals.

All of these elements allow the renewal of skin and improves the dull complexion. Moreover, it will also work, if you are night person as its calms your skin and prep it for the night.