Jade Roller-This Strange Tool Really does what It Claims?

jade roller
jade roller

In recent years, the jade roller has experienced a significant moment of development. Now, it has become a daily facial beauty tool used by many families. Although the tool looks strange at first glance-a stone handle has a roller at each end.
But it proved to be effective thousands of years ago as part of the history of cosmetic medicine in China (yes, yes, this beauty tool has a history of thousands of years).

The jade roller claims to stimulate the lymphatic system of the face and neck to promote lymphatic drainage of the face, reduce swelling and improve the state of the skin. But is it really as it says, can it achieve these magical effects, or is it just superficial and boastful? We have asked Dr. Deng to answer for us-have studied in traditional Chinese medicine for over 20 years. Has a very rich theoretical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and treatment experience. With the help of Dr. Deng, we continue to explore this issue in depth.

What is the Jade Roller?

To put it simply, “Jade roller is a beauty tool made of natural jade, which can be rolled and pressed on the face. It has been used as a facial beauty tool for thousands of years,” Dr. Deng explained. As a semi-precious stone, jade has some magical energy and can treat some diseases. And now, the materials for this beauty tool have been extended to dozens of different materials, such as crystal, agate and stainless steel.

“although it cannot be proved that special substances in jade or crystals can directly affect the human body, cold jade or crystals can help relieve skin inflammation is truth,” Dr. Deng said.

Benefits of Jade Roller

Jade Roller Bebefits
jade roller benefits

“Jade rollers can improve the efficacy of your skin care products. This is why we recommend that you use skin care products when using jade rollers,” Dr. Deng said. “The use of matching skin care products can not only make the jade roller smoother in use, but more importantly, the jade roller can relax the facial muscles during facial massage, at the same time, under the pressure of the facial roller, the ingredients of skin care products can go deeper into the skin.
Skin care products and jade rollers are a perfect pair.

Is the Jade Roller Really Useful?

“it works, of course.” Dr. Deng replied. It is inevitable that facial muscles and skin will gradually relax with age. Because of its shape and mode of operation, jade roller can effectively stimulate facial muscles and help lymphatic drainage, which can slow down the aging speed of the face to a certain extent.

“Jade or crystal can balance the ’qi’ in the human body. But beyond that, the major function of the face roller is a convenient massage tool. “Dr. Deng said. “Massage can promote the flow of blood and improve the condition of the skin. So I suggest that all my clients massage their faces for over three minutes a day, by hand is ok. “

How to Use the Jade Roller Correctly?

“never scroll down when using on the face,” Dr. Deng said. “scrolling down not only does not improve the facial condition, but even accelerates the process of facial aging.”

  1. Roll from the inside of the face to the outside. Roll from the alar of the nose to the front of the ear. Repeat about 10-20 times.
  2. Roll from the forehead to the hairline. Repeat 10-20 times.
  3. Roll from the chin position along the mandibular line to the base of the ear, still repeated 10-20 times.

What can Replace the Jade Roller?

gua sha stone
gua sha stone

Jade gua sha tools. Also, as a member of traditional Chinese medical and beauty tools, jade gua sha board can do almost anything that jade roller can do. Even in terms of massage, the jade guasha board is a more advantageous one. “but the operation of the scraper will be more complex and take longer.” “if not handled properly, it can even aggravate the swelling of the face,” Dr. Deng said. If you are not familiar with this operation, we recommend you choose carefully. But if it’s just a gentle scraping, you don’t have to worry too much. “

To sum up, the effectiveness of the jade roller is indeed in line with what it advertises, but if you think about it too magically, it may disappoint you. In addition, the jade gua sha board is also a good choice.