How Jade Roller Use? What the Benefits of Jade Face Roller and How to Use?

How Jade Roller Use of?

jade roller use
jade roller use

In years past, it’s been nearly impossible to shop in a store’s makeup section or open a beauty magazine without seeing them — gadgets that look like little rolling pins, often made of jade or rose quartz. These gadgets, called jade rollers, are the latest beauty gadgets, but what do they actually do? How do you use them? Many people don’t know why, in this article, we’ll discuss how to use a jade roller, the benefits of a jade roller, and discuss some other beauty tools that might be of interest!

In short:

Main takeaway: Mainly known for its ability to massage the face, the jade roller is also said to help with lymphatic drainage, a process that reduces puffiness and dark circles.

What is a Jade Roller?

what is jade roller
what is jade roller

You’ve no doubt seen jade rollers on the shelves of your favorite beauty supply store. Usually it is a two-sided tool with a large jade bead and a small jade bead on each side. While it may be one of the hottest new beauty crazes, its origins go back hundreds of years. It is said to have started in the Qing Dynasty in China. Just like today, jade rollers are believed to have anti-aging properties and the ability to keep skin youthful, among other things. Unlike today, when it was primarily a tool of the elite.

A real jade roller should be made of real jade. While most jade rollers are cheap, if they are too cheap, you may not be able to buy real jade. Well, nature is beautiful, but not flawless, so if the jade in your jade roller looks a little too perfect, it’s probably fake.

You may have also seen rose quartz rollers. While some people believe that jade or rose quartz release energy differently, most people believe that jade rollers and rose quartz rollers work basically the same when it comes to skin care. If it makes a difference, it’s just that rose quartz stays cooler longer than jadeite.

What are the Benefits of Jade Face Rollers?

While most people usually think of jade rollers as something to massage the skin, in fact, the benefits of jade rollers go far beyond that.

Here are just a few benefits of Jade Roller:

  • It massages the skin – As we said above, jade rollers are known for their ability to massage the skin, a process that is said to make the skin brighter and more vibrant.
  • It stimulates lymphatic drainage – the jade roller helps flush toxins and fluids from the face for healthier looking skin.
  • It helps reduce puffiness – part of what makes your skin look puffy is a lot of extra fluid. By expelling these toxins, the puffiness subsides.
  • It helps with dark circles – obviously, you want to be careful with anything close to the eye area, but we think if you dab the small edge of the jade roller over the dark circles under your eyes, you’ll see noticeable improvement. In this case, you can apply a little eye cream to the roller instead of serum.
  • It helps to apply product – if you’re one of those people who hates applying product to your face with your hands, there’s no reason why you can’t apply a little moisturiser or facial oil to your jade roller and apply it that way. You may even find it goes more evenly.
  • It feels great – what a shame if you haven’t experienced how refreshing rolling a jade roller is on your skin! Also recommended, put it in the fridge for an hour or so before use for better results!

Jade Roller Use

Now that you know what the jade roller does, it’s important to make sure you know how to use it properly. Using the jade roller correctly is really simple. As you’ll see, the main idea here is “up, up, and away” scrolling, which means scrolling up and out to the sides of your face, not in the middle or down.

  • First, put a little serum or facial oil on your jade roller. This will help the roller glide more smoothly across the skin and help distribute the serum as you apply.
  • Pick up your jade roller and place it on the bridge of your nose. As you roll the jade roller onto your cheek, press lightly and roll toward the side of your face. Try to err on the side of scrolling up instead of scrolling down.
  • After finishing rolling on the cheek area, place the jade roller between the eyes (where thesingle eyebrows connect). Apply light pressure and roll towards the hairline. Do this until you “roll” the entire forehead.
  • Place the roller on the chin and roll the jaw line up to the ears.
  • You can also take the smaller side of the jade roller and roll it very, very gently around the eye area, moving up and out towards the temple.
  • There is no reason why the jade roller cannot be used on the neck. Just make sure you do it gently, especially when you go over the part where the windpipe is.
  • No matter how you use it, make sure your jade roller is also very, very clean. Between the serum you put on and the natural oils on your face, it can get dirty. Make sure to clean it with only a little soap and water between uses.
jade roller benefits
jade roller benefits

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