green aventurine roller

Green Aventurine Introduction

green aventurine roller
green aventurine roller

Aventurine jade is a quartzite with an alluvial gold effect, and its color varies depending on the impurity minerals it contains. Green aventurine contains chromium mica, so presenting green color. Blue aventurine contains blue threads, thus presenting blue color. And the purple aventurine contains lithium mica, so presenting purple color. Most of green aventurine we see in the market are of India origin. Under a magnifying glass, you can clearly see the coarse, roughly oriented chromium mica flakes, which appear slightly maroon under a color filter.

Green aventurine from Xinjiang, China, contains green fibrous actinolite. In general, the quartz grains of aventurine are coarse, and the flakes contained within are relatively large, giving the flakes a shimmering sand and gold effect in sunlight.

The effects and functions of green aventurine

Aventurine jade comes in shades ranging from light green to dark green, all corresponding to the color of the heart chakra. Used successfully in psychotherapy for heart and lung problems and to increase muscle flexibility, green aventurine is most often used to treat the heart, relieve stress, and for eye problems. Green aventurine is also said to reduce anxiety and clam emotions, and is best used to melt knots and complexes. It’s also the healthiest and happiest gemstone to teach people to be happy every day.

Green, which is originally the energy of spring, prosperity, business, abundance, richness, beauty and represents wealth in the broadest sense of the world, attracting good friends, noble helpers, good luck, good opportunities, and good material energy to approach.

The spiritual role of green aventurine

Crystal has a unique composition and structure, and its powerful spiritual nature is innate. Green aventurine has a powerful purifying effect, evil energy and warding off evil spirits. Green aventurine can also reverse bad luck and bring good luck and fortune to people.

Psychological effects of grren aventurine

Wearing green aventurine jewelry for along time can keep people happy and energetic. In the modern society, people’s living standard has improved, but the pace of life is getting faster and faster, and many people face a lot of pressure from work and life. The use of green aventurine roller not only improves the face, but effectively relieves all kinds of pressure in life and work, making people have a broader vision and broader mind, which can help people keep a clear mind and handle things with more courage when they encounter all kinds of distraction. Green aventurine is also known as the lucky stone of month of May, which can bring good luck and fortune to the user. The powerful effect of green aventurine can also comfort and heal a wounded soul, allowing people to recover more quickly from the shock and traauma they have suffered and to find the courage to face tomorrow’s life more quickly. Different colors of aventurine jade contain different minerals and trace elements, so it can replenish trace elements and minerals that are scarce in the human body to enhance immunity, strengthen the body and beautify the skin.

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