rose quartz roller

Jade Roller For Other Parts Of Body

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rose quartz roller

Have you tried to use jade roller on other parts of body? For example foot, leg, arm…… Jade roller is effective to those parts.

Foot Rolling

Jade roller can reduce swelling on the feet and stimulate the tired feet. Rolling and massaging the feet is effective for people with lymphedema. Apply a little pressure on the sole of the feet with jade roller and then roller towards the heel, following this method is effective in relaxing the feet.

Leg Rolling

Do you have calf muscles? Every women want to own long and slim legs. But calf muscles are difficult to remove. Especially the calf muscle is obvious after standing working a day. If having this condition, you can try to use jade roller on the calves to reduce swelling. To facilitate the flow of lymph, start from the ankle and roll towards the knee. Repeat each section 3 times till you have covered the lower leg. This can reduce swelling and bruising and speed up recovery. There are accounts of people having rolled immediately after knee surgery who have found relief. If you have hip muscle or ligament pain, roll several times across the hip, one section at a time, 3 times per section. You can follow that with the muscle on the inner side of the thigh.

Arm Rolling

Many girls have the problem of thick arms. For example, the famous actress Zhou Xun has a very thin and good-looking body and face, but her hands and arms are the only ones that are fat, which are called carrot hands. There is also a beautiful girl, Guan Xiaotong, her legs are very long and slim, and she is also very high, the overall good-looking, but as long as the arms are out, she will look very strong, not very good. The skinny arm should be removed from the arm’s fat. Increase lymphatic flow by rolling the jade roller up along the elbow. Repeat 3 times until the entire arm is rolled. Experts say that light pressure on the fleshy side of the lower arm and rolling back and forth between the wrist and elbow can be effective in relieving the symptoms of carpal tunnelitis and can also be an effective aid in tightening the arm.

Breast Rolling

Breasts are surrounded by many lymph nodes located near the sternum and in the armpits. Because lymph can be restricted by wearing tight bras, rolling regularly will help the lymph to move freely. Lie down on your back. Use the roller from the nipple to the center of the sternum. When you are done with that section, roll the upper lateral quarter of the breast from the top of the nipple to the armpit. Do it 3 times. Next roll the lower lateral quarter of the breast from the nipple to the side of the chest. This technique is useful for breast soreness linked to menstruation, breastfeeding, and reportedly even breast cancer. Others have used it for speeding recovery from surgery.

Scalp Rolling

Our scalp can feel pain due to overuse of the brain and tying our hair too tightly. In the long run, this pain can have negative effects on our brain, such as a lack of concentration, headaches, and inability to work. But you can use jade roller on your head. Give the scalp some TLC by using a jade roller on your scalp to offer relief and enliven your thoughts. Massage via rolling has also been known to stimulate hair growth and strengthen follicles, especially when mixed with hydration hot oil treatment. If you experience tension headaches or migraines, using jade roller straight out of the freezer to massage the areas can offer much-needed reprieve.

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