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Green Jade Face Roller Benefits

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rouleau jade (2)

Green jade is one of the varieties of Xiuyu jade. Green jade is listed as one of the four famous stones (jade, marble, slab, and inkstone) by Guangdong, and Xinyi is the best one. Green jade crafts have distinctive local characteristics and artistic styles including natural and realistic fairy peach bonsai; birds and beasts in the North, flowers, birds, fish and insects in the South; elegant and unique tea sets, fashionable and novel combination tableware, and exquisite jewelry; and the prestigious “thin paper, water south jade” “Original stone float” jade bowl, antique stove bottle.

Xinyi green Jade belongs to serpentine jade. Mainly light green, with yellow, white, brown and other colors, the texture is relatively fine with greasy or waxy luster, translucent. Because of its beautiful color, low hardness, and good processing performance, its unique feature is that it is warm in color, beautiful in color, fine in texture, and moderate in hardness. It can be processed into very thin devices and is suitable for making jade carvings and jewelry. The production of large jade carvings and small and medium-sized display jade is often listed as the preferred jade species. It is also widely used to make various small ornaments, characters, animals and other crafts.

Thus, green jade face roller benefits as following.

  1. Improving overall health and radiance of the skin
  2. Reducing puffiness of the face
  3. Promoting lymphatic drainage
  4. Relieving facial and jawline tension
  5. Boosting circulation to encourage glowing skin

Tips for care

Avoid collision with hard objects. Because jade pieces are easy to crack after being impacted. Sometimes although the cracks are not visible to the naked eye, there are dark cracks in the jade surface, which greatly damages its perfection and economic value.


Avoid exposure to sunlight for jade pieces. Prevent the texture and color of jade from being affected.

Keep away from chemical agents which can cause certain damage to jade, such as various detergents, soaps, insecticides, cosmetics, perfumes, hairdressing agents, etc. If it is accidentally stained, it should be wiped off and cleaned in time to prevent it from causing damage to the jade.


Avoid dust and oil as much as possible. If there is dirt or oil stains attached to the jade surface, it should be scrubbed with light soapy water and then rinsed with clean water. Do not use chemical degreasing agents.


Newly purchased jade pieces should generally be soaked in clean water for a few hours, cleaned with a soft brush (toothbrush), and then wiped dry with a clean cotton cloth before wearing.


It is best to wipe the pendant with a clean, soft white cloth. Dyed cloth or hard-fiber cloth is not suitable, which will help maintain and maintain the original quality.


Regular cleaning, jade pieces are generally cleaned once in a while.

green jade roller
green jade roller
pierre de jade roller
pierre de jade roller
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rouleau de visage (2)
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green jade roller1

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